μ -No.12-μ -No.12-

μ -No.12


Steins Gunner
Place an object in space that will fire upon your opponents.


Steins Geiser
The timing with which objects fire are accelerated.


Pillar of Light
During Overdrive, A+B+C+D

Technical Type

Special Attacks

Totsuka Blade ↓↘→+D(midair also)
Tokotachi Blade ↓↙←+D(midair also)
Arrows of Heaven ↓↘→+A(midair also)
Origins →↓↘+C(midair also)
Ikutachi Blade →↘↓↙←+B
Sword of Decimation →↘↓↙←+C(delayable)

Distortion Drive

Wisdom of the Divines →↘↓↙←→+C
Blessed Mirror →↘↓↙←→+D(midair also)

Astral Heats

Sword of the Godslayer ↓↓↓+D

Stylish Type

Special Attacks

Totsuka Blade In midair →+SP
Tokotachi Blade In midair ↓+SP
Origins SP
Ikutachi Blade →+SP
Sword of Decimation ↓+SP

Distortion Drive

Wisdom of the Divines ←+SP
Blessed Mirror In midair ←+SP

※ You can find the command list for each character in the COMMAND
LIST of the Pause menu.

© ARC SYSTEM WORKS Published by H2 Interactive Co., Ltd.